Kendall and Kylie game Wikia


Available Actions

Tap pointers and complete actions to gain stars.

Photoshoots Photoshoots

Time limit: 4 hours
Bluestar needed: 48
5-Bluestar rating reward: Xp+100 Cash+275

Action Cost Reward Achievement
brainstorm ideas Energy 8 Bluestar+9 Xp+9 Cash+8
check digital shots Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1
flurry of poses Energy 4 Bluestar+4 Xp+4 Cash+4 Virtuosoam Virtuoso
grab a drink Energy 3 Bluestar+2 Xp+3 Cash+3
new outfit Energy 5 Bluestar+4 Xp+5 Cash+6
pick new music Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1
rock some accessories Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2 Stylisham Stylish
work your angles Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3


PerryTextIcon How was the interview?
(Y/N) It went well!
PerryTextIcon Nice! Get rdy for your FULL PAGE feature shoot at caprice ;^D You and (Rival) were scheduled to be in the same shoot BUT I asked Zoe to do your photo shoot separately ;^) Who looks out for you? THIS GUY ;^D Zoe will be ready to start your shoot in 5 hours btw. Can't wait for this issue to hit the shelves and get you the props you deserve as a rising model! I'm proud of you :^)
(Y/N) 1. It was a joint effort!
2. proud of me too! Lol
PerryTextIcon 1. Yes it was thank you for acknowledging your VERY hard working fabulous talent manager and dear friend ;^) Going to get back to my date now. Hope you have a fun shoot at Caprice!
(Y/N) a. Ok later!
b. How's your date going?
PerryTextIcon a.
b. My heart hasn't beat this fast since I ran a marathon a few years back. I think I'm in love!
(Y/N) A. I'm happy for you :)
B. Don't fall too fast :p
PerryTextIcon A. Thanks :^D

Get your photos taken. Bae and I are going to find a photo booth and take some pictures of our own! ;^)

(Y/N) X. Sounds good!
Y. Lol have fun.
Z. Lates :)
PerryTextIcon Y.

ZoePereiraIcon (Y/N), you just missed (Rival)...
(Y/N) BlackSpeechBubble I'm doing a solo shoot.
BlackSpeechBubble Perfect timing...
ZoePereiraIcon Oh, right! I think your manager mentioned that... Well, congratulations on getting your own full page feature in Caprice Magazine, man. I hope this feature will get you noticed by a designer so you can start modeling some cool stuff. I'll do my best with your pictures!
(Y/N) Thanks Zoe!

StaciTaylorIcon Staci Taylor @StaciTalk
Can you tell the future? @CapriceMagazine can! Check out my interviews with ALL the models of tomorrow!
EmilySunIcon Emily Sun @SunnySideEmily
Shine baby shine haha v.(^_^).v
