Kendall and Kylie game Wikia

Kylie Jenner invites you to join her in starring in a music video for the Texas located rock band Restless Carburator.

Available Actions

Tap pointers and complete actions to gain stars.

Appearances Appearances

Time limit: 3 hours
Bluestar needed: 48
5-Bluestar rating reward: Xp+70 Cash+125 Energy+2

Restless Carburetor Music Vid
Action Cost Reward Achievement
dance Energy 5 Bluestar+7 Xp+4 Cash+7
improvise Energy 4 Bluestar+4 Xp+4 Cash+4 Trouper Trouper
lip sync lyrics Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3
read lines Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+4
rock out Energy 4 Bluestar+3 Xp+4 Cash+3 Virtuosoam Virtuoso
AddContact selfies! Energy 5 Bluestar+9 Xp+6 Cash+20 Energy+1 Virtuosoam Professional
short break Energy 6 Bluestar+9 Xp+5 Cash+6
steal the scene Energy 5 Bluestar+7 Xp+4 Cash+7 Appearances Shine
take direction Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2


KylieText Hey, (Y/N). Want to be in a music vid?
(Y/N) Sure! For who?
KylieText Restless Carburetor. They're a rock band from Texas. They're really good!
(Y/N) I'm in.
KylieText Awesome! They're shooting the video at Royal Park. Can't wait to see u!
(Y/N) :)

KylieJennerIcon (Y/N), I'm so happy you made it!
(Y/N) (Hug Kylie.)
KylieJennerIcon (Y/N), this is Nathaniel Maitland. He's the lead singer for Restless Carburetor.
(Y/N) (Turn to Nathaniel.)
NathanielMaitlandIcon Hey.
(Y/N) Nice to meet you.
NathanielMaitlandIcon This is cool. First I meet none other than Kylie Jenner than I meet you. Must be my lucky day. Anyway, I got to talk to the director. See ya.
(Y/N) Bye.
KylieJennerIcon You know, I can't tell when he's being sincere - by the way, I just met the guy. Alright, let's go find out what we need to do.
(Y/N) Lead the way.
