Kendall and Kylie game Wikia

During the party you get introduced to LA rapper MC Brizzy.

Available Actions

Tap pointers and complete actions to gain stars.

Appearances Appearances

Time limit: 3 hours
Bluestar needed: 48
5-Bluestar rating reward: Xp+70 Cash+100

the party
Action Energy Cost Rewards Ken's/Ky's
bump fists Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1 KendallJennerIcon
catch up Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1 KendallJennerIcon KylieJennerIcon
chill/chill out Energy 1 Bluestar+2 Xp+1 KendallJennerIcon KylieJennerIcon
compliment Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+4 Cash+3 KendallJennerIcon
fun story Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3 KylieJennerIcon
ghost Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1 KylieJennerIcon
grab a snack Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+3 Cash+3 KendallJennerIcon
introductions Energy 4 Bluestar+4 Xp+3 Cash+4 KylieJennerIcon
laugh Energy 1 Bluestar+1 Xp+1 Cash+1 KendallJennerIcon KylieJennerIcon
pillow fight Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+4 Cash+3 KylieJennerIcon
play some tunes Energy 2 Bluestar+2 Xp+2 Cash+2 KendallJennerIcon
practice dance moves Energy 6 Bluestar+8 Xp+8 Cash+8 KendallJennerIcon
squad up Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+4 Cash+3 KylieJennerIcon
throw shade Energy 3 Bluestar+3 Xp+4 Cash+3 KendallJennerIcon


KylieJennerIcon I'm so glad you made it! Before you go anywhere, I want to introduce you to a friend of Kendall's and mine.
(Y/N) Who?
KendallJennerIcon His name's MC Brizzy. He's such a good rapper. I love his music!
(Y/N) ...
MCBrizzyIcon What's up, (Y/N)? The name's MC Brizzy.
(Y/N) BlackSpeechBubble 1 How are you?
BlackSpeechBubble 2 Where are you from?
MCBrizzyIcon 1 Good! I'm doing a few shows at The Beverly. You shoud drop by a show if you have time.
2 West Philadelphia, born and raised!
(Y/N) 1 Maybe I will...
2 Really?
MCBrizzyIcon 2 Nah! I'm from LA. I'm doing a few shows at The Beverly. You should drop by a show if you have time.
(Y/N) 2 Maybe I will...